Enemy Territory Mac Download

Enemy Territory Mac Download

  1. Wolfenstein Et Windows 10
  2. Castle Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Download
  3. Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Download Mac Os X
  4. Enemy Territory Mac Download Torrent

If you have never played Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, you have not played one of the best online first person shooter games ever. Now it is available for multiple platforms, Mac. Based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein's engine, Enemy Territory started as an additional single-player campaign, but quickly evolved into a massive on-line shooter in minds of creators. The final product is a multiplayer-only, tactical and teamplay shooter.

ET: Legacy stable release 2.78.0 - Explore the area! (published October 1st 2021)

Windows Windows 32-bit installer(size 21.097 MB)

md5sum: 151639f990c4df9fd97b25acdc9615ab
Windows 32-bit binaries(size 56.441 MB)

md5sum: 48f328687197f65bbd1f25757ba99da7
Mac OS
No Omni-Bot server support!
Mac OS 64-bit installer(size 22.196 MB)

md5sum: 2a08fd8c30c725bb50136a79c3af0807
Mac OS 64-bit binaries(size 21.954 MB)

md5sum: 94e2caae50217a32515704b1fe7a3f3a
64 bit Linux
is only compatible with 64-bit mods!
Linux 32-bit installer(size 59.608 MB)

md5sum: c4db3e41d31d66144261a08984a1fd3b
Linux 64-bit installer(size 59.938 MB)

md5sum: 6bb88f91d34d6994cdb0d7580829ed28
Linux 32-bit binaries(size 59.586 MB)

md5sum: fb541ae6c0ecbdbe20506c8433ac0ad2
Linux 64-bit binaries(size 59.909 MB)

md5sum: f1fb03a4fcbf4fd1f133084dbf2fe5b1
Raspberry Pi
RPI armv7 compatible
RPI 3B+, 4B
Raspberry Pi 32-bit installer(size 23.982 MB)

md5sum: b335d295842f95cc4f0f6c2f853f0994
Raspberry Pi 32-bit binaries(size 23.941 MB)

md5sum: d756edadaebabf93656261a53785a83c
Android Android 64-bit installer(size 23.739 MB)

md5sum: 20412dc8aa0903a15a4abeca873b7090
Android archive not available

Enemy Territory is a free, Open Source multi-player first-person shooter video game set during World War II. It was created in 2003 by Splash Damage and runs great on low-end hardware. I’ve run an Enemy Territory server for quite some time, you can download the game and play it for free on my server or join any of the thousands available online.

My Server Setup
My Enemy Territory server runs version 2.60b on Linux (CentOS).
It runs a few mods/addons: No Quarter and Omni-bot (AI Bot players) and XP save is enabled so you can gain military ranks and perks.

How to Play Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein Et Windows 10

  • Download and install ET 2.60 for Linux (right click, save as), Windows or Mac
  • Run installation as either root or local user (Linux local user needs to have a ~ /bin)
  • Download and install 2.60b patch for Linux, Windows or Mac (copy binaries to install dir)
  • Run the game from your menu or type ‘et‘ on a terminal
  • Once inside the game, you’ll need to obtain a cdkey file, this is so that you have a unique player GUID for servers to save XP and progression. GUID generation is based on Punkbuster, though ET isn’t supported anymore it can still be used to generate one in the form of the etkey file:
    Type ~ to open the game console and type:
  • Now you’re ready to play! While still in the game console type:
Enemy Territory Mac DownloadEnemy

This is a 32bit game so you need to have 32bit graphics libraries installed. I use an Nvidia card so for me the fix was:


On my Lenovo x240 laptop using an Intel HD Graphics (i915) chipset this was:

Linux Fix: No Sound
Enemy Territory doesn’t support ALSA (only OSS) you will need those kernel modules if you do not have sound when the game starts. I achieved this via:

Castle Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Download

Fix: Large Resolutions
As ET is an older game, the default resolution for full screen you want on newer hardware probably isn’t supported. Luckily there’s a way around this. I found the following blog post useful in solving this issue. This should work on all operating systems. For example, on Fedora 22 to run at a native 1920×1080 resolution I start Enemy Territory with the following command:

To make this permanent you can either alias it (or edit shortcut in other operating systems) or edit your etconfig.cfg file to contain the below seta commands. Note: cg_fov for 16:10 resolutions (e.g. 1440×900, 1680×1050 and 1920×1200) should be 100.39 and for 16:9 (1366×768, 1920×1080) 106.27.

To simply alias this command I did the following instead (should work on Linux and OSX)
Be sure to change the customwidth, customheight and cg_fov appropriately for your setup.

Funcamp Gameplay Info
If you decide to play on my server the game client will auto-download any missing mods or maps and join the fray. The bots on your team will respond to medic, backup and ammo requests if you ask for them. Server status is generated every 2minutes by a shell script below.

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Download Mac Os X

Game Server Status:

Enemy Territory Mac Download Torrent

If you’ve got comments, map suggestions or anything else pertaining to Enemy Territory please use the leave a comment below, or email me directly using the contact form. I’m happy to make changes, swap out maps or provide any tips to folks running their own server on Linux. You can also find the admins in IRC here by launching the Freenode Web Client.